5G and related topics IN THE NEWS…
New entries will be added regularly to the top of this list and eventually listed by topic.
Scientific American Warns 5G is Unsafe - 11/13/19
(Another health expert, Dr Joseph Mercola, weighs in on the 5G issue - an excellent report)
5G Small Cell WIreless Radiation Technology - So NOT Cool - 10/10/19
(good summary article by environmental health and safety researcher Karen Rich)
The-5G-Network-What-You-Dont-Know-Can-Kill-You - 4/2017
Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G As New Illnesses Start at the Same Time - 9/26/19 *New
Swiss Protests Against 5G Tech: Health Dangers, J. Rappaport - 9/26/2019 *New
How Big Wireless Made Us Think Cell Phones are Safe - 03/2018
The First Report of 5G Injury from Switzerland - 7/20/2019
The Miseducation of America on 5G: The NYT Gets its Spectacularly Wrong - 7/22/2019
(excellent article by Dr Devra Davis)
5G Roll Out Facing 1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit - 4/18/2019
Here’s How the Telecom Giants Spent more than 1 Billion Lobbying Congress - 5/31/19
UN Staff Member Public Statement on 5G - 1/4/19
Is 5G Banned in Palm Beach and Israel? - 8/5/19
(good video on current legal issues)
4G, Fake 5G, and Real 5G - Know the Difference - 6/20/19
(The telecoms are hiding within the complexity of these issues and certainly not disclosing to the public.)
What Municipal Managers Should Know about 5G - 12-28-18