resources to support your path forward
Nutrition and Self Care
Here you will find resources, articles, videos, products, and inspirations to assist with enhancing overall health and well being. We will also offer information on various approaches to healing including some of the latest information on strengthening the immune system and addressing covid-19.
Please Note: None of this is meant in any way as medical advice, but is presented for educational and research purposes only. Continue
Physical Exercise
We are including exercise as its own topic because it is so vitally important to our well being along with fresh air and sunlight. Even qigong and other energy disciplines encourage cardiovascular and strength training of some kind as a way to build core energy so that more refined work can be done later. Let’s become masters of intelligent exercise. Continue
Inner Work
With the first two categories largely involving external activities, we now turn to the Internal. So much in our culture is an attempt to pull us outside our own wisdom and sensitivity to Life so as to attach us to financial, political, and ideological agendas. In our experience, making a consistent effort to connect to our true nature is of extraordinary value. Such approaches include meditation, yoga, certain qigong practices, breath work, and more. Regular practice can dissolve stress and anxiety, improve health and well being, clear mental, emotional, and energetic issues, and help with focus and creativity. We will explore several powerful approaches in this section. Continue
phase 1: self cultivation
We are, each of us, the greatest gift we have to give the world. Our Integrity, our Heart, and our Willingness to make a difference is our power. And the brighter we become as individuals, the greater our contribution to those we care about.
In this section, we will explore and engage with rapidly growing opportunities for self cultivation and deeper awakening to our own true nature. We believe there could be no better time than now.
The Invitation:
Let us, in a growing wave of commitment, choose to move beyond the spike of fear, stress, and passivity that has followed in the wake of covid. Let us make, as never before, the effort to improve, enhance, and strengthen ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We have the intelligence and the ability, it's simply a matter of making a daily choice, focusing our attention, and moving forward with action. We can do this together, supporting one another in the process.
A Simple Process:
Self Cultivation is really just two endeavors:
(1) Doing that which we know is genuinely good for us, and
(2) Releasing that which we know holds us back.
How we define these two areas will be different for each one of us. In a quiet moment, it is not difficult to know what our answers may be, though we may require assistance with details. The Vitality Project will address three areas of Self Cultivation: (1) Nutrition and Self Care, (2) Physical Exercise, and (3) Internal Practice (meditation, qigong, etc.).
Chart Your Course:
In the pages that follow, you will find suggestions for charting your course forward. See particularly the section “Your Next 100 Days”. You’ll also find resources, services, and products with which to support your progress. This will be a diverse and growing body of information with some approaches being more useful for some people than others. Feel free to explore, experiment, and consistently use what works best for you. Know that your success will surely help others with theirs.
Overcoming Challenge:
One of the great challenges of our time is distraction: those ideas, activities, and influences that would pull us away from realizing our well being and potential. Part of succeeding with Self Cultivation is recognizing this problem, becoming familiar with how, where, and when it shows up, and moving with mastery forward. There are many ways to accomplish this; all involve practice and some require insight. If at any point, you would like additional support or wish to use our Coaching or other services, please feel free to get in touch. We’re here to serve.
Bathe in Inspiration:
Among the most useful first things we can do as we ponder positive change is to regularly bathe in what inspires us. For many, this means turning OFF the tv, radio, and much of social media. Instead, seek out time in nature. Listen to uplifting music. Spend time with people who raise your spirits. Read inspiring literature. You get the idea… Much more on this in the pages that follow and we always appreciate hearing what you find inspiring, motivating, and uplifting!